Release date: 3. October 2018.Genre: Adventure
Platforms: Mac, Windows
Languages: Deutsch, English, French
Original developer: Knut Mueller
System requirements:
XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
512 MB Video-RAM
10.9 or better
1.8 GHz CPU
512 MB Video-RAM
RHEM II SE: The Cave
RHEM II SE - The Cave Special Edition expands the huge world of the original RHEM 2 by a new unseen area with many new puzzles and challenges. The additional goal is to find one quarter of a medaillion that you may need in the exploration of the upcoming RHEM V.
RHEM II SE - The Cave Special Edition is an intricate pure-puzzle first person adventure game. The player explores a hidden city far beneath the earths surface. RHEM II SE features non-linear gameplay non-violent story and mind-bending puzzles. Having discovered entry to a hidden underground city you will venture ever deeper as you explore a maze of clandestine caves, secret rooms and intricate walkways tunnels and water systems.
- first person graphic-adventure
- point-and-click mouse-navigation
- mind-bending puzzles for Mac and PC
- non-violent story
- non-linear gameplay
- thousands of images and animations
- stereo-environment-sound
NEW compared to the original RHEM 2
- extended version of the original RHEM 2
- new area and new puzzles
- build-in color-picker
RHEM II SE is a graphic adventure (point-and-click, pre-calculated first person). The virtual world is shown through the eyes of the players. The environment consists of individual pictures covering a 360-degree view. Navigation takes place through going forward, turning left/right, etc. In principle, each standpoint has four views. In the virtual world, one must have in advance different puzzles to unlock, representing both collection and use.